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Fifth Dimension

Business Structure

Win-Win Business Structure

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TLC-Life-Center   ®
Illusion Buster


Company Policies






Editor's Note:   The corporation/foundation partnership concept described on this page is the creation of a visionary.   It was not written by a legal professional.   As a result some of the wording will need to be adjusted in order to fit into our current legal structure.   Given this context, we recommend that you focus on the intention of this proposal and don't be put off by wording that doesn't quite fit into the existing legal system.  


Intentions:   If you have not already done so, please read the page titled
Intentions - What We're Doing And Why We're Doing It.   This will place the details below in their over all context.


About Foundations:   If you have not already done so, we recommend that you read the TLC-Life-Center web page linked below.   It describes and explain the value, versatility, benefits, and the possible uses of the foundation / corporation partnerships. 










Distinguishing Between  a Policy and a Law:   

A person subject to a law must follow the exact wording of the law.   A law leaves no room to adjust to in-the-moment conditions and circumstances.   It's a dead product of history.   In sharp contrast, a policy follows the spirit of the law and is thus alive and gives life and spirit to the here-and-now decisions that must be made.   

A policy is a guideline for a person to use in making decisions and taking action.   Because it is not a carved-in-stone rule, it allows flexibility.   It empowers the person(s) with the ability to make in-the-moment decisions - decisions that consider the immediate circumstances and allow for appropriate adjustments to current circumstances and conditions.    

As much as possible, in our for-profit corporation and in its partner foundation, we follows the spirit of the law.   The intent of that spirit is to function in the long-term, highest and best interest of all concerned, including the environment and including future generations as yet unborn.   Readers are directed to the page on The Peaceful Revolution .com website titled:   For Whom We Speak.  






We design, build, and manage our businesses based upon the corporate model described as The New Corporate World (NCW) Foundations, Win-Win Business structure.   See the home page for a summary.  Under this management structure, corporate employees, corporate  customers, and the environment hold equal priority with making a profit.  

This Hybrid Business Structure  an independently controlled non-profit foundation and a profit making corporation function as a team to maximize the best characteristics of each and minimize the highly destructive aspect of most, large, present-day corporations.   That destructive aspect is: "profits first -- profits  at the expense of everything and everyone else."  

We partner a non-profit foundation with a profit-making corporation because there are major and very significant differences between these two legal structures, because each provides benefits that the other cannot provide, and because each has tools that the other doesn't have.   This concept, how it works, and what it accomplishes are described in considerable detail on this website.  

A Huge Financial Advantage:   The New Corporate World (NCW)business structure gives us a huge financial advantage over other companies.   Why?   Because The Great God, "Money" is our partner not our master.   We are not beholding to money lenders.   We are not required to show a profit on the next corporate quarterly report.   The money that corporations normally pay out to stockholders will be redirected to the highest good for all concerned.   Excess profits are directed to its partnering foundation.   The Corporation is managed for the highest good of its employees (including management) its customers, the environment, and the outside corporate stockholders, if there are any.   One of the goals is to provide high quality products and services at a competitive price.  

Where the Profit Money Goes:  The corporation, itself can direct a significant portion of it's profits to projects and services that support "the common well-being"  and the "general welfare." The intention of the corporation/foundation partnership is to have a functioning income producing corporation that directs it's profits to serving the public interests and not simply to put more money into the vaults of the super-wealthy.  

Our Environmental Advantage:  We will be among of the greenest companies in the entire corporate world.   Our processes are about producing the highest-possible quality products and services.   Because profit is not our only goal, our products can be designed for a very long life.   We can produce products in which only the essential, obsolete components are replaced at the time of upgrade.   We can produce products in which end-of-life-recycling is designed into the products at the point of manufacture.   Environmentalists will love our products.   So will our customers.   Everybody wins by shifting their business to the  The New Corporate World Foundations, Win-Win Business structure.    

What kind of company do you want to go to for your products and services






Because of the way most major corporations are presently being managed, product quality and customer service are placed somewhere down the priority list, well below profits for investors and high salaries and benefits for top management.   In the present, major corporate business world, products are intentionally designed to break down and need repairs or they are designed to self destruct and require replacement.   In all to many cases, producing products and providing services have become little more than tools with which to create a profit that will show up on the next quarterly report.   NCW Corporate products will eliminate this type of business fraud.  

By divorcing ourselves from the Wall Street money lenders, the corporate structure used by NCW Corporations will be able to focus on both product quality and customer service.   

What kind of company do you want to go to for your products and services




Making Change Using the Kaizen Technique:   



We use the Kaizen approach to better product design, to improved customer service, for more efficient and effective company functionality, and for better customer relations.    The Kaizen approach invites employees and customers to suggest small improvements in our company's products and/or services, and/or for improvements in the internal workings of the company.    

We also invite customers to suggest improvements in our company's products and or services.   See the section below:  Our Customers as Our Partners

What kind of company do you want to go to for your products and services








Corporations may say they want feedback from their customers, but when was the last time you received a message like this:    

We value your input.   You, obviously, can see our product (or service) from an outsiders perspective -- from a perspective that escapes us.   We'd like you to help us improve our products and/or our services.   Please contact us if you have suggestions.   

NCW Corporations  will have a rewards program that offers free or reduced-price products and/or services to customers who contact us with usable suggestions.   Employees will also be rewarded for offering usable suggestions.  

What kind of company do you want to go to for your products and services






The Foundation:   A minimum of fifty one percent of the stock in the New Corporate World (NCW) Corporations we will belong to their partnering foundation.   The purpose of this is to insure that the partnering corporation directs its profit money for the best interest of all concerned and not simply to feed the Money & Profit/Dopamine Addiction or super-wealthy stockholders.   The foundation's money will be directed to foundations purposes as specified in its "reason for being" and in its bylaws.   

The Corporation:   The Corporation will produce:  1)  Safe healthy working conditions,  2)  Adequate health care for employees and their immediate families, 3)  Fair and adequate wages, and 4)   Any additional benefits that the corporation managers deem appropriate and reasonable under the conditions and circumstances of the moment.      

The Customers:   This business format will allow the corporation to produce the best possible products and services that it can produce and provide.  It will allow the corporation to sell its products and services at a fair price.

The Environment:   This approach will also allow the company to consider:  1)  its carbon footprint, 2)  the use, recycling, or appropriate disposal methods for the byproducts of production,  3)  its other environmental impacts, and 4)  the eventual disposal and/or recycling of the products after the completion of their effective service life.

What kind of company do you want to go to for your products and services






Safety First:   The first rule for a wise investor is to protect his/her capital investment.   There are compensations for risk.   Usually the higher-risk investments offer the higher returns, but the bottom line is to protect one's investment.   

A False Sense of Safety:   In the economic boom that followed WWII, millions of Americans were conned into violating that rule by taking their retirement moneys in the form of promises to pay by the corporations they worked for.   Instead of having their money moved into a independently-controlled retirement trust, they left their retirement money in the hands of the corporate executives.   In hindsight, this was obviously a huge mistake.   What they did was the financial equivalent of asking an alcoholic to guard their liquor cabinet.   

The "Fit Hits the Shan":   Unfortunately for the employees, their retirement money was being managed by people whose loyalty was to themselves and to the super-wealthy money interests and not by the employees.   In 2003, when American Airlines, got itself in financial difficulty, the company executives convinced the politicians to change the rules so that the corporation could "legally" default on its promises to its employees.   American Airlines reneged on its promises to its employees and proceeded to rape its employees retirement system.  

Soon, other corporation management teams saw this as their role model, and within a couple of years, millions of corporate employees in thousands of corporations, found themselves the victims of a systematic pillaging of their retirement moneys.  

There Is Another Way:   In sharp contrast to the above debacle, employees of NCW Corporations will receive their retirement money each month by way of payment of a completely-independent retirement trust controlled and managed by professional investment consultants, who can and will be hired and fired by the collective wishes of the employees and retired employees.   The retirement trusts will be required to invest in tangible assets and not in promises to pay, such as stocks, bonds, mutual funds, and the like.   Readers are directed to the page titled:
There, you'll read about some examples of how this can be accomplished.  

Readers might be interested in how the politicians destroyed the social security system --  how they turned the potential for a 40-trillion-dollar investment portfolio into a 40-trillion-dollars liability.      Readers are directed to the page titled:      

What kind of company do you want to go to for your products and services






Corporate executives have the tendency to place their own financial well-being ahead of everything and everyone else.   In NCW Corporations,  this will be counterbalanced by the fact that executive compensation, including all perks, benefits, and the like, must be approved by its partnering non profit foundation.  

Executive Salaries:   Executive salaries will be related to the employee's salaries with a maximum ratio of twenty to one.   In other words, the highest-paid person in the company can receive a maximum of twenty times the amount paid to the lowest paid person.   

Bonuses:  As specifically in the corporate bylaws, bonuses paid will go to all employees, not just to those managing the company.   Bonuses will be paid in proportion to the pay scale, so that everybody is rewarded when the company does well.   

The Accumulation of Excessive Wealth:  Any person, no matter how competent or skilled they are, who transfers more than forty million dollars of his company's profits into his/her private holdings is guilty of price gouging his customers and/or taking unfair advantage of his/her employees, and/or destroying the environment.   The NCW Corporation will have articles in their bylaws limiting cumulative, long-term, executive compensation.   

Presently, we hear the super-wealthy-created  fairytale that corporation must pay executives outrageous bonuses, or they will not be able to attract competent leadership.   The evidence from thousands of well-run corporations shows that story to belong in the sewer.  

Excess Corporate Profits:   Any company that is making huge profits is overcharging its customers.   An ethical company will generate a profit and balance the profit with its product price so that the company gets a reasonable financial reward for its products and services and the customer pays a fair price.  

The above aspects of corporate business practices will be clearly defined in the corporations bylaws.

What kind of company do you want to go to for your products and services




Corporate / Foundation Design and Structure 

(1)>    Changing the Way the World Does Business  

(2)>   Foundation Structure    

(3)>   Foundation Bylaws 

(4)>   Company Policies    <-- You are here.   

(5)   N.C. World  in Interview Format  
          New Corporate World Foundation's 
          Win-Win Business Structure   
          Presented in an Interview Format.




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Win-Win Business Structure

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