39   //   New Corporate World   //    NCW-3   Foundation Bylaws      25 May 2017       


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Fifth Dimension

Business Structure

Win-Win Business Structure  

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TLC-Life-Center   ®
Illusion Buster


The Foundation's  Bylaws







Intentions:   If you have not already done so, please read the page titled
Intentions - What We're Doing And Why We're Doing It.   This will place the details below in their over all context.



About Foundations:   If you have not already done so, we recommend that you read the TLC-Life-Center web page linked below.   It describes and explain the value, versatility, benefits, and the possible uses of the foundation / corporation partnerships. 




Page Content

     Our Reason for Being  

     Setting the Stage

     Secrecy, Money, and Concentrations of Power

     Merging the Letter of the Law with Its Intent      


       The Leadership Team      

     Special Interests -- Conflicts of Interest

     Preventing the Excessive Personal Accumulation of Wealth

     Rules or Policies - What's the difference?


     Money -- Designated Uses

     Self Replication  






Our Foundation's Reasons for Being Include:  

   To be a cooperating, functioning partner to a for profit corporation.  

   To become our partnering corporation's controlling stockholder. 

   To free the corporation from the demands of outside money lenders.

The stock holders are money lenders.   They demand that the corporation produce profits, usually profits at any price.  

   To change the way corporate profits are used.   Instead of most of the profit money going to the vaults of the super-wealthy money lenders, the partnering corporation can be directed it's profit money to anything that fits within the category of:   For the highest good for all concerned in the long run.  

   To build a sizable endowment fund.  

   To use the profits form the invested endowment fund money  to serve the foundations beneficiaries.  

   To join with other corporate/foundation partnerships in becoming a source of financial power that is not at the effect of the Money & Profit/Dopamine Addicts.  

   To counterbalance corporate concentrations of financial power.   Corporations are presently run in the form of an unregulated dictatorships  --  dictatorships that are managed by out-of-control  Money & Profit/Dopamine Addicts.    

   To place ownership of future wealth into the hands of many people instead of just a few.  The corporate/foundation partnerships will not be controlled by Money & Profit/Dopamine Addicts.  

   To be a part of a corporation/foundation partnership, that provides an alterative the the present day Exploitation Economics.   Exploitation Economics dominates the corporate world's business practices under false pretenses and under the false label called free market capitalism.   






The bylaws for the corporation and the foundation are being designed to insure that the foundation and corporate assets are directed to the highest and best use of all concerned.  

To our knowledge, the blending of the profit making corporation and the non-profit foundation is the first of its kind.   

Therefore, two things are required of us.  As a role model, our first job is to design the best possible blend of a profit making corporation with a non profit foundation.   Our second job is to be flexible enough to adapt and adjust to conditions and circumstances that we cannot foresee at this time.   To that end, we are setting up the foundation and the  corporation to cover as many contingencies as possible.   The sections on this page describe some of the basic attributes.  






If you want a recipe for disaster, here it is:   

                  Secrecy         Big Money      Concentration  of  Power

This is unbeatable recipe for greed, graft, money laundering, political corruption, fascism, tyranny, and for every other type of crime and unethical activity you can possibly imagine.  

At the present stage of human evolution, most humans are simply not capable of staying clean in an environment that combines Secrecy, Big Money, and Concentrations of Power

This trilogy of corruption-creating tools is a core problem which must be addressed if society is to survive the present round of financial, environmental and political crises.   If you examine every major problem on the entire planet, you'll find it involves secret activity, huge amounts of money, and a small group of people with unbridled power in whatever activity they were engaged in.   When Foundations and Corporations function as a team, and apply The New Corporate World Foundation's Win-Win Business Structure, this combination of corruption will never be allowed to show up.   Secrecy is denied by the corporate bylaws, and the Reality Checkers would find problems well before they reach crisis stage..  

Power-peddling with under-the-table money such as is presently being done to prevent an American Hemp Industry from existing is expressly prohibited in the New Corporate World Business Structure. 

Corporate Secrecy:   Most corporations are run in secret.   The activities of the managing executives are not available to the public.   They have no overseers, no checks an balances.   If you ask  them about the secrecy, they say it's nobody else's business.   They say that they don't want their competitors to know what they're doing.   This may be true for corporations producing highly-competitive products such as cell phones, computers, pharmaceuticals, military technology, and the like.  

But what about the hundreds of thousands of corporations that produce products in which the only differences among the competitors are variations on a theme, such as the public service portions of the banking, the finance, and the insurance industries.   Do they have and legitimate need for secrecy.   The answer is clearly NO!   They are taking money from the people and are supposed to be serving the public. 

In industries where differences are variations on a theme, the only reasons for secrecy are:  1)  if they are engaging is criminal activity such as laundering drug money, 2)  ripping off their customers by charging excessive prices,  3) producing shoddy or unsafe products, 4) needlessly endangering employees or endangering the public, or 5) destroying the environment.  

Financial crimes such as the Enron financial scandal,  the Bernie Madoff  ponzi scam, and the huge multi-corporation, financial rip-off that triggered the 2008 financial crisis could never happen under The New Corporate World Foundation's Win-Win Business Structure.   

Non Profit Organizations:   The same, basic principle applies to non-profit organizations.   Often there are questions about where the contributor's money is actually going that are not clearly answered by the public agencies which are supposed to keep the crooks from lining their pockets with donor dollars.   There are also many organization that claim to be foundations set up for the public good, which are, in reality, simply fronts in which millionaires and major corporations buy politicians and their votes.   In the corporation/foundation partnering system, these issues are clearly addressed in the corporate bylaws.   Secrecy, large amounts of money, concentrations of power, and secret power-peddling will never be allowed in the same place at the same time.  




    Merging  The Letter of the Law  with     Its Intent  


Letter and Intent:   

All rules, policies, bylaws, and the like that give guidance and direction to the foundation and to the corporation shall have two equally important parts  --  the letter of those rules and the stated intentions within them.   Whenever a rule, policy, or bylaw is written, its intention shall also be written with it.   This includes anything and everything about the foundation and the corporation that could be interpreted in more than one way.   A violation of the rule's (or the bylaw's) stated intention shall be equal to a violation of the letter of the rule.   If and when a conflict arises between the letter of the law (rule, etc.)  and its stated intention, the intention (the spirit of the law) shall prevail.   




 The Leadership Team     



For a definition of and clarity about the leadership team, please see the Foundation Structure page

Conflict Resolution:  

In any questionable practice, the Arbitrators shall resolve the disputes at their discretion.   The Arbitrators' decisions are appealable to a combined decision of  the other three branches of the trust, (Rule-MakesManagers, and  Reality-Checkers )  The three-branch decisions are final and un-appealable.   

All rules, policies, and bylaws must be written in plain, easy-to-understand language.   No sentence in any laws or rules shall exceed fifty words in length.   Any attempt to hide a rule under complicated sentence structure or by unwritten implication is expressly prohibited.   Any time a rule, policies, bylaw, et cetera is found to be confusing or that it is being misinterpreted by the readers, the wording must be altered, and both its meaning and its intention must be rewritten and made clear.  

Exceptions to the Rules:  

Rule Makers are expressly prohibited from exempting themselves or anyone else from being at the affect of a rule, policy or the like.   Exception may be made only if approved be the other three branches and if approve by the beneficiaries at the next, annual stockholder's meeting.   

Relevant Amendments:   

Any time a rule, policy, guideline, (etc.) is being voted on, all amendments to the original rule, policy, guideline, et cetera must be relevant to the main issue.   For example, if a proposed bylaw regarding paying for employee health care was the main issue, an amendment to build an addition to parking garage would be out of place, not accepted as an amendment, and not legally binding.   Whenever an amendment's relevancy is in question, the Arbitrators will determine its relevancy or non-relevancy.     The Arbitrators' decisions are appealable to a combined decision of  the other  three branches of the trust, (Rule-MakesManagers, and  Reality-Checkers )  The three-branch decisions are final and un-appealable.   

Here's an example of the type of unethical practices that the foundation  intends to avoid and prohibit:   The auto insurance industry in California is legally prohibited from discriminating against a driver and charging insurance premiums based upon where the driver lives.   The industry honors the letter of the law but grossly and blatantly violates its intent.   The industry discriminates by charging premiums based upon the address "where the car is garaged" (where it's commonly parked when not in use).  






All rules, law, proposal, et cetera are to be evaluated by the Arbitrators regarding the balanced between benefits to special interests and benefits the general well-being of all concerned.   When the Arbitrators determine that the ratio between the benefits to special interests and the benefits to the general interest, are, in their opinion, too strongly in favor of special interests, they shall declare the rule / law / policy to be dysfunctional and its power and effect shall become null and void.   The Arbitrators' decisions are appealable to a combined decision of the other three branches of the trust, (Rule-MakesManagers, and  Reality-Checkers )  The three-branch decisions are final and un-appealable.   




 Preventing Excessive Personal Wealth   



Any person, no matter how competent or skilled they are who transfers more than forty million dollars of his company's profits into his private holdings, to his family, or to his friend is guilty of price gouging his customers and taking unfair advantage of his/her employees.   

Presently, we hear the fairytale that corporation must pay executives outrageous bonuses, or they will not be able to attract competent leadership.   The evidence from thousands of well-run corporations shows that story to belong in the sewer.   

Our corporate and our foundation bylaws will have articles in them limiting  executive compensations.   




     Rules and Policies    



As an aid to healthy and flexible, trust management, a clear distinction shall be made between a rule  and a policy.   A rule is a directive -- without the latitude of individual discretion.   ("This is the way such-and-such shall be handled.")   A policy is a guideline giving latitude and leeway for the administers to adapt and adjust the suggested behavior and respond appropriately to fit each particular situation.






Any and all funds acquired by the foundation for investment are for that use only.   Anyone and everyone is expressly prohibited from in any way encumbering the funds, or interfering with their expressed, designated use.   Anyone and everyone is prohibited from using the funds as collateral for anything else or in using the funds in any other way whatsoever.   No loans may be drawn against the funds.   They are for the specific, designated use only.   No Exceptions.



    .                              Self Replication      Self Replication   ...



The Foundation bylaws will mandate that within two years, the foundation establish an independent profit-making corporation. 

A small percent of the profit from the endowment fund investment money will be used as start up money to create a minimum of two additional independent foundations that will fund other worthwhile projects.   The new foundations will be completely independent, and be set up using the CAHR Foundation format.   They, too, will have a similar self-replication requirement and will be required to create a partnering for-profit corporation and to pass on the self-replication requirement to the foundations to which they give birth.   All foundations will be encouraged to participate in the Association of New Corporate World Foundations.   The association will be initiated by the CAHR Foundation.  

By pooling their investment moneys, The Association of N.C.W. Foundations can become a financial powerhouse.   To get a sense of the value and power of asset pooling, we recommend  you read the page titled: What Social Security Should, Could, and Would Have Been.  







Bylaw Changes:  

The bylaws may be altered, amended or repealed and new bylaws adopted by a majority vote of the foundation's leadership team at a regular or a special meeting provided a written notice be sent to all who are eligible to vote regarding the proposed change.   Official notices shall be sent so that the notice arrives to the recipient at least fourteen day prior to the day of the vote and no more than thirty days prior to the vote.   The written notice shall include the intended changes and the intent behind the intended changes. 





Corporate / Foundation Design and Structure 

(1)>    Changing the Way the World Does Business   

(2)>   Foundation Structure    

(3)>   Foundation Bylaws    <-- You are here.

(4)>   Company Policies   

(5)   N.C. World  in Interview Format  
          New Corporate World Foundation's 
          Win-Win Business Structure   
          Presented in an Interview Format.




Corporate / Foundation Design and Structure 

(1)>    Changing the Way the World Does Business  

(2)>   Foundation Structure    

(3)>   Foundation Bylaws     <--You are here.

(4)>   Company Policies   

(5)   N.C. World  in Interview Format  
          New Corporate World Foundation's 
          Win-Win Business Structure   
          Presented in an Interview Format.





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Win-Win Business Structure

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The Foundation's Bylaws




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