39   //   New Corporate World   //  NCW-2     Foundation Structure       30 May 2013                           .

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Fifth Dimension

Business Structure

Win-Win Business Structure 

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TLC-Life-Center   ®
Illusion Buster


The Foundation's Structure





About Foundations     About Foundations  ... 

Intentions:   If you have not already done so, please read the page titled
Intentions - What We're Doing And Why We're Doing It.   This will place the details below in their over all context.

About Foundations:   If you have not already done so, we recommend that you read the TLC-Life-Center web page linked below.   It describes and explain the value, versatility, benefits, and the possible uses of the foundation / corporation partnerships. 


Page Content


   The Foundation's Basic Structure

   Corporate Stock Ownership


   Corporate Stock Distribution   

   No Quick Fix

   Consensus Versus Domination       


   Where Will this Vision Be Ten years from Today?

   Notes and References           






One of the intentions the foundation and its partnering corporation is to prevent any single individual or group of individuals from having unbridled power over foundation or corporate assets.   Why?   Because money and power are intimately interconnected, and because time and time again, history has proven that humans do not have the capacity to handle unrestricted power. 

Money is a very potent tool that can be used for the benefit of people or as a tool for repression and enslavement as it in now being done in all too many ways and places.   To countermand this problem, we have inserted major safeguards into the foundation's bylaws.   And as you will recall when you read the section on company structures, the foundations owns controlling interest in their partnering corporations, so the same safeguards will also be part of the corporate structures.   The goal is to prohibit any single individual or group of individuals from: 

   1)   Stealing, destroying, or in any way damaging the original capital
         of either the  foundation's or the corporation, 

   2)   Lining their pockets with the corporate or  foundation's money, and/or

   3)   Playing favorites with the corporate or foundation's assets
          in exchange for personal benefits.  

The foundation's basic structure is designed to prevent special interest groups from using the foundation or corporate assets for any purpose other than to enhance the lives and well being of the foundation's named beneficiaries.   






A Five-Part Structure:   

The Foundation's Leadership Team  is being designed and set up using a five-part configuration.   Three parts are based upon that which was originally used up by America's Founding Fathers, Legislative, Executive, and Judicial.  

The Legislative / Rule-Makers: 

This portion of the Leadership Team makes suggestions to the the rest of the team regarding the what, why, and how of the foundation.   They write the legal documents and present them to the rest of the team for implementation or rejection.  

The Executive / Managers: 

These Leadership Team Members  manage and run the foundation's business on a day-to-day basis.  

The Arbitrators:  

The primary function of these team members is to resolve conflicts disputes.   They also look for conflicts of interest in all proposed changes in the foundation's structure or in what it does.

Adding the Fourth Part:  

To the above-mentioned, traditional trio, we are adding a fourth part to the Leadership Team, The Reality-Checkers.   The primary function of the  Reality-Checkers is to examine and oversee the activities of both the Foundation and the Corporation.  

One of The Reality-Checkers jobs is to examine available evidence and share with the rest of the Leadership Team what the evidence indicates is the long-term best interests of everyone, including Mother Nature.   By instructions mandated in the bylaws of both the foundation  and its partnering corporation, The Reality Checkers have access to all financial and all transaction records for both the foundation and the corporation.   

The Reality-Checkers will also examine and weigh the indirect and usually hidden costs and/or activities of both the foundation and corporation executives  --  such as exchanging favors and benefits with politicians  --  such as hiring employees based upon factors that have nothing to do with the potential employee's talents or ability  --  such as providing stock market insider trading information  --  such as offering executives "sweetheart" business deals.    

Adding the Fifth Part:  

We are adding a fifth part to the Leadership Team The Researchers.   The primary function of the  Researchers is: 

To look for, to find. and/or to create new products and service,  

To improve existing products and services,  

To solicit feedback from employees and customers for the purpose if improving the corporation/foundation partnership's products and services, and/or to improve the productivity, the efficiency, or any other aspect of the corporate/foundation partnership.

To examine and evaluate suggestions and ideas form inside the corporation/foundation partnership and from outside sources.

To adequately reward those whose ideas are used by either the foundation or the corporation.   The reward system applies to both employees and to customers.

The Partnering Corporation:

The Foundation/Corporation Partnership Management Structure will eliminate the highly-destructive corporate mandate of Profits at Any Price that dominates the corporate world today.   It will also eliminate the traditional corporate war between labor and management.   It has a multitude of Additional Advantages.  

In our initial project, (in our role model project) the partnering, for-profit corporation will be The CAHR Financial Management Corp.   It will handle the CAHR Foundation's finances, such as: money managing, investment suggestions, foundation fund disbursements, and the like.   It will handle the pay structure for the foundation.   It will suggest to the CAHR Foundation Leadership Team possible investment for the foundations endowment investment money    

The Vision / Goal:  

The intention of  the foundation is to demonstrate the foundation portion of the new, simple, easy-to-implement New Corporate World Foundation's Win-Win Business Structure.   This previously-ignored corporate management structure, when accepted by the corporate world, will return billions of dollars to the working class and give corporate employees, corporate customers, and the environment equal priority with making a profit, plus provide several additional and extremely-valuable benefits.    For an  formation of  this structure is and how that can be easily put into action by any existing corporation, see this website's home page  and the page titled:  Our Vision.   





When People Receive the Benefits Directly:    


An Example:  
    A Retirement Asset-Protection and Management Foundation.

Suppose a group of people decided to create a non-government Investment Foundation to do what Social Security was originally intended to do -- to INVEST the peoples money to NEVER EVER spend or encumber  it, and to divide the investment profits among the retirees.

To see what Social Security, should have been, could have been,  and would have been if the people's money had not been borrowed (stolen)  and spent by politicians, please go to:

Elected Administrators: 

When People Are the Direct  Beneficiaries:  

In traditional foundations, the managers are the ultimate controllers.   In a foundation where people are the direct beneficiaries, such as in the above-described Retirement Asset Protection and Management Foundation.   The members of the Foundation's Leadership Team are elected by the foundation's beneficiaries.   The beneficiaries are similar to the "owners" of the assets in the sense that they receive the benefits.   The difference here is that in a foundation there aren't any owners; the people for which the trust was set up are the beneficiaries -- they get the benefits.    The beneficiaries, in the example above, are the people for whom the foundation was established.   In their annual meetings and by majority vote, the beneficiaries elect, re-elect and/or remove members of  the management team for both the foundation and it's partner corporation.  

Here's an example:   The existing board member take recommendation for additional board members or board member replacements.   Nominees may be suggested by anyone interested in the outcome.   Discussion meetings regarding electing new and/or replacement board member are open to the public.  Anyone may speak in this forum.  The beneficiaries vote at these meetings, and he or she who gets the most vote is elected. 

When People Are the Indirect  Beneficiaries:  

Where a social-service project is the beneficiary, the people do not directly receive the benefits of the foundations activities.   The CAHR Foundation is an example of this.   In a new foundation/corporate partnership structure where a project is the primary named beneficiary, the employees of the corporation and the foundation jointly elect the foundation board members.   

Checks and Balances  

The foundation's Rule-Makes, the Arbitrators, the Researchers, and the Reality-Checkers, collectively, have the power to veto actions of the Managers and, if necessary, remove and replace any management people who are not operating in the best interest of all concerned.  

The bottom-line intention is that those for whom the foundation was set up (the beneficiaries) be able to protect their assets and to indirectly (by electing the Leadership Team members) oversee how the foundation and its partnering corporations are run.   In terms of who may participate in the foundation, entry into the foundation may be open or restricted in any way that the foundation's beneficiaries choose by majority vote at their annual meetings.   




    When a Social Service Project Is the Beneficiary 



This aspect will be handled differently in a foundation where a social-service project is the named beneficiary, such as in a foundation set up primarily for financing the building or rebuilding something in the society's infrastructure.   An example of this is the California Aqueduct Headwaters Restoration Foundation  (CAHR Foundation).   In these cases, the beneficiary is the completed project and not a specific group of people.  

When you examine the foundation bylaws, you'll notice that the foundation is designed to replicate itself and and also set up an association of mutually supporting foundations.   Where a foundation is set up to fund a project and has no direct, human beneficiaries, the association will oversee the activities of its members and its process of bringing in new foundation board members.







The foundation's bylaws require the foundation to maintain ownership of at least fifty-one percent of its partnering for-profit corporation.  When an existing corporation sets up its own partnering foundation, the goal is for the partnering foundation to eventually own fifty one percent of its partnering corporation    This insures that the foundation maintains controlling interest in the for-profit corporation, and prevents mismanagement and prevents a hostile takeover.    

In a traditional corporation, the corporate executives answer to the stockholders.   Stockholder are usually only interested in profits.   As controlling owner of a corporation, the foundation can guide the company toward fulfilling the foundation's intentions and purposes for being without having to withdraw money to pay stockholders.  

The Bottom Line:  We've taken the money lenders out of their traditional position as the ultimate controllers of the corporation.    

One of the intentions for using the corporation/foundation partnership is to provide a business structure that re-directs money that is commonly siphoned off by stockholders.   The vision is to use the money in a ways that gives corporate employees, corporate  customers, and the environment equal priority with making a profit.   Here are some of the way the money can be re-directed:  

     To cover expenses of running a corporation.  To compensate management and employees at rates that are  just, fair, and equitable, and that are in line with the amount of money required to produce sustainable living conditions,  

     To produce high quality products and/or services,  

     To sell its product and services at a fair price,  

     The corporation bylaws will mandate that it direct the major portion of its profits in ways that produce social benefits for the people.   Some of the money will go to the partnering foundation to fulfill its reason for being.  Some of the money will go into the partnering foundation's endowment fund.   Some of the money will go directly from the corporation to fund public social services such as providing health care services.    

Another example is to fund public education outside of the classroom, such as by funding commercial free public television -- television that can speak the truth because it's not dominated by corporate money.  

When an existing corporation sets up a partnering foundation some of the money is uses in a different way:  

     To cover expenses of running a corporation.  To compensate management and employees at rates that are  just, fair, and equitable, and that are in line with the amount of money required to produce sustainable living conditions,  

     To build, rebuild, re-model, update, and/or replace the company's infrastructure,  

     To produce high quality products and/or services at a fair price,

    To buy outstanding stock in the for-profit corporation as it becomes available,  

    To donate money and/or  its stock to its new partner foundation.  

     To participate in the Reversal of Global Warming.

There will be numerous, additional benefits when other corporations start using  The New Corporate World Foundation's Win-Win Business Structure.

The New Corporate World Foundation's Win-Win Business Structure is described in detail on this website's home page.  

An "A to Z" description of the project (in an interview format)  can be found on TLC-Life-Center's website:  






As clearly stated in the foundation's bylaws, the foundation is required to maintain ownership of a minimum of fifty-one percent of it's partnering corporation's stock.   Nine percent of the corporate stock will go to the team members that originally create, develop, and sets up the Corporation .   If and when investment money is required, forty percent of the Corporation's stock can be sold to investors.   

The nine percent that belongs to the corporation's creators and developers will not simply be given to the people involved to cash in, to spend, or to otherwise use for in-the-moment desires.   Rather, it will be their initial investment in the corporation's employee-owned, retirement trust.   For a description of the corporation's retirement trust, readers are directed to







Readers must understand that this project is neither a magic bullet nor a quick fix.    Collectively, humans have spent years creating the circumstances and the conditions that exist today, so it's going to take some time and some effort to turn this around.    We have reached the point where a new course of action is desperately needed.    Old behavior patterns  (such as, doing more of the same,  doing the same thing harder, or waiting for someone else to do it for you)  are not going to solve today's problems.   

The corporate/foundation partnership is simply the first step into the win-win business structure.   They are real-life role models for other to follow and to improve upon.  

The world now has a picture of the corporate world's future.   It's up to you and others like you to take this small beginning and grow it into prosperity and abundance for everyone, including you.  




   Consensus Versus Domination:   



Our intention is for the corporation/foundation partnerships to be run by consensus and not simply be dominated by the majority.   Consensus brings people together and minimizes differences by making harmony more important than getting one's way.   Where opinions differ, decisions are often outside the will of either side.   For a detailed description, see the TLC-Life-Center page on  Consensus.   There you'll find answers to common questions such as:  How does consensus differ from majority rule?   What to do if there is no consensus?   




Where will This Vision Be Ten Years from Today? 

Please keep in mind that the description of the corporate/foundation partnership concept is a vision of  the future.   It's the opening act of a multi-act play called life on planet Earth.   As it evolves, it will either grow into a physical realty and expand into much more than can be seen today  or it will whither and die like many other past and lost visions.




Notes and References    


   Consensus - The Great In Between 

Consensus is thoughtful compromise.   It brings accord, harmony, consent, unity, and peaceful  agreements.   It's the tool of sharing, for creating win-win. 




Corporate / Foundation Design and Structure 

(1)>    Changing the Way the World Does Business  

(2)>   Foundation Structure   <   You are here. 

(3)>   Foundation Bylaws 

(4)>   Company Policies   

(5)   N.C. World  in Interview Format  
          New Corporate World Foundation's 
          Win-Win Business Structure   
          Presented in an Interview Format.





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Fifth Dimension

Business Structure

Win-Win Business Structure

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TLC-Life-Center   ®


The Foundation's Structure 




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