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Adventures  In  Consciousness 

How to Play
Life-on-Earth  Game  
in Fifth Dimension Consciousness  

A TLC-Life-Center Website









REVISED 19-04-09




Let the Truth Be Known.
We are all lo
st, little children
seeking to be Lloved and accepted.

Our minds have been stolen and severely damaged.
As a result, we are all both physically and mentally
severely abused children.
Those who wanted to control us have stolen our minds
We simply need to take it back.

The questions are  
*   How do we rid our world of evil beings
*   How do we take back the control of our minds?
*   Where do we start.
*  What do we avoid doing?
We will begin with What to Avoid.

   ///   ///   ///

***   Here's the first thing to avoid:
Anybody who understands how the universe functions
would NEVER fight and focus their attention on
criminals, Draco reptilians, or anyone or anything  else
that carries  khold-priki (low feel-bad) energy.
To do so, one would have to be  a sleepwalking slave,
a complete idiot, or an intentional deciever.

The basic, simple, Universal Law of Thought tells us:
You give your life-force energy to
whatever you focus your attention on
including anything you fight against.

***   Thinking Person's Universe~

***   The Law of Emotional Satisfaction -
Staying at least one step above emotional neutral

The Second thing to avoid is anything scary.
How many films have been made about space invaders.
The public has been thoroughly
indoctrinated with fear of space invasions
coming to Earth with guns blazing.




REVISED 19-04-09




Before we introduce humanity to extra terrestrials,.
we be wise to introduce humans to themselves.
Humans are eternal, non-physical God-Beings.
The best place to introduce people to this concept is with
The First Lost Secret of
The Seven Lost  Secrets of Llove.  

It's simple, it's easy, it's fun
and the results are profound


With regard to making Earth Humans
aware of extra-terrestrial civilizations,
our job is to expose the people to
something other than space ships.

For the first official  exposure
of humans to extra-terrestrials,
start with something that invokes
internal feelings of joy and Llove.

First contact is to be by non-Earth, human females
dressed as these women are when they are
at home with their children.
Start with a video containing their music.
Show humans female extra- terrestrials
with families having fun,
with music, with dance and the like.

Make the first contact far away from
anything associated with governments or military.
The Seti Ranch, James Gilliland Trout Lake,
in northern Washington state, USA
would be a n excellent site for first contact.
Trout Lake, Washington, has been the location of many UFO sights
and it seems the number of sightings is only increasing.


Another viable option is to expose the public
to a piece of technology
that will directly and personally help the human  population
such as free-energy technology.


How do we take back the control of our minds?
We bring in something that will enable the people
to discover
evil's human-mind-control program
Invite them to examine
The Antarctic Ice Wall Mystery.
This is a False-Belief-Busting disclosure of
 an evidence-based truth that will completely shatter
a major, false belief about
who or what is secretly  controlling your life on Earth.




13 April 2019


How-Do-We-Rid-the-World-of- Evil-Beings    




Afrer 30 years of intense study and research,
Three things are now obcius to me.
*1   Humanity is completely  controlled
        by beings of evil consciousness.

*2  If humanity is to survive, we, We-The-People,
       must take back control of our own lives
*3   I and the the team I am part of
        Have developed a fool-proof
        system, specifically designed to Free Humanity
       That system is now fully functional.
       Find it at TLC-Life-Cente's Home Page
       Adventures  In  Fifth Dimension  Consciousness~

The Universal Law of Attraction tells us that
*   Vibrations  attract Like vibrations
     All other vibrations are simply ignored.
*   Beings of low vibration
     i.e.  Evil ones, Cabal criminals, Draco reptilians,
     and evil-minded AI  (Artificial Intelligence
     cannot access beings of high vibration.

Low vibration beings are
*   Those who intentionally
     Violate the Universal Prime Directive
     Thou Shall NOT Violate.~

Low vibration beings are
*   Beings who  are self centered, lack Llove,
     engage in violent activity,
     kidnap, rape and murder children,
*   Beings who loath, despise, and hate normal humans,
*   Beings who  are filed with anger, fear, and resentment,
*   Beings who engage in  criminal behavior,
*   beings who engage in anything else of low vibration

These beings are a disease.
They are a giant version of a fungus.
They are parasites that cannot create for themselves.
Their food is the energy that radiate from
a human being who is experiencing negative emotions
such as pain, fear, anger, grief, misery and the like.

Such  beings CANNOT  access high vibration beings.
They cannot access  those of us who vibrate at the level of
Llove, Compassion, Caring and sharing.

     ///   ///   ///

How do we get rid of them?
The answer is incredibly simple

They feed on us.   We are their food.
We take away their food and
leave then with only each other to feed upon.
Without us to feed upon,
they will eat each other until there is nothing left of them
except a memory, and that, we can easily ignore.

How do we do that?
By raising our collective rate of vibration
to Fifth Dimension Consciousness.
How do we raise our rate of vibration?
By focusing our attention upon giving Llove;
It's incredibly simple.  It's easy.  It's Fun.  It works.
Go to:
The First Lost Secret of of
The seven Lost Secrets o fLlove     

Also examine
The Sixth Lost Secret of Llove  
The concept is called
Service to All

      Only Source/Creator/ God-Goddess
      could produce something this good.  

Still another major tool is mutual cooperation.
There are hundreds of thousands of humans
(soe estimates say millions of humans)
diligently working to free humanity,
however, there are two severe omissions
that are keeping us stuck in third dimension sheyitt.

***   Lack of Cooperation
        The Context of Cooperation~
         Learn how, by focusing on Giving Llove and
         by Celebrating Llove each month at the time of the  full moon,
         we can dramatically seed up humanity's transition into the
         the new, 5th D., Service to All Social Structure.

    Full moon Celebrations of Life and Llove
    We Have Exactly What the World Needs Today

      Learn about
huge benefits
collective focus
                       on celebrating Llove
for everyone!  
                                    Join us each full moon
                                            as we celebrate life and Llove.
                                                  Invite your family and friends.   
                                                         Share this with everyone


***   Focusing on what is wrong and unwanted.
    Focus-- Single Point of Focus

We invite everyone to
participate with us in
Monthly Full-Moon Celebrations of Life and Llove.

We invite you to join us online each month as we honor
Source/Creator/ God-Goddess and celibate Life and Llove.~

There's much to learn, however,
we recommend that you begin with
The Fist of the  Seven Lost Secret of Llove.
You will by Llovingly guided from there.




13 April 2019

Monthly Full-Moon-Celebrations-of-Llove.   




.Monthly Full-Moon Celebrations of Life and Llove
We invite you to join us online each month as we honor
Source/Creator/ God-Goddess and celibate Life and Llove.
Join us in the Monthly, full-Moon Celebrations of Llove~   




13 April 2019




Spiritual awareness must come before technology.

True Nature of Earth Humans~
     ///   ///

The Seven Lost Secrets of Llove
Our points of focus are on:
Llove, Compassion, Caring, Sharing,
The Seven Lost Secrets of Llove
      **First Lost Secrets of Llove
             Creating a day to Honor and to Celebrate of Life and Llove
             Monthly, Full-Moon Celebrations of life and Llove
             Ways to Celebrate Llove
      **Third Lost Secrets of Llove
      **Fourth Lost Secret of Llove
             About Full-Moon Celebrations of Life and Llove
             Creating Llove-Day parties
             The Invitations
      **Fifth Lost Secrets of Llove
      **Sixth Lost Secret of Llove
     ** Seventh Lost secret of LLove~
     ///   ///   ///

Forgiveness is one of the two
most powerful keys to manifesting your desires.
( Gratitude /being graeful for everythihg  is the other)


Service to All~    Replaces    Service to Self   22

Join the Movement from
your Cabal-controlled life of Sheyitt in an Invisible prison
to the Fifth Dimension world of  Joy,Llove, nd bundance for all.

The Death of Money:
Service to All Social Structure will create  so much wealth that
Money Will Become:   Unnecessary.!   Worthless.!    Useless.!
The Future of Money


*****   The Context of Cooperation~
          Learn how, by focusing on Giving Llove and
          by Celebrating Llove each month at the time of the  full moon,
         we can dramatically seed up humanity's transition into the
         the new, 5th D., Service to All Social Structure.


Teach the  concept called Satisfaction
Teach the people how to stay
at least one step above emotional neutral
Living at the Emotional Level of Satisfaction or Higher


Conscious Christianity
Invite Christians to examine
the previously ignored teachings of Jesus
***   Conscious Christianity~
        Learn how the previously ignored Teachings of Jesus
        match the Physics of Consciousness and Universal Spirituality.


*****   Our five websites describe the basis teachings of
an extensive, self-awareness, training program.
The home page on our home website
introduces you to our training program
and guides you to our primary web-pages:
Adventures into Fifth Dimension Consciusness~


***   The Master's Detailed Plan
        For Acquiring Fifth Dimension Consciousness

        Our Plan/Program is designed to wake people up and - 
        to demonstrate that  life is
         not what you've been led to believe it is
        by those who claim to know!


***   Llove Is the Ultimate Weapon of War~
        We do not usually think of Llove s a weapon, however,
        when facing the potential of being attacked,
        Llove is the ultimate, unbeatable weapon.    




13 April 2019




Marijuana-Meditation Creates-Enhanced Spiritual-Connections

        ///   ///

Marijuana Cures Cancer


If you believe you are Not Llovable, Not Enough, Not Worthy,
we immediately address this problem/challenge.
You are Worthy, Connected,  Llovable, and Enough  




13 April 2019




There is much more,
but we'll save that for another day

Right now, your job is to
Wakeup and participate in any way you choose.




REVISED 19-04-09--20-Apr-19




I/We/Robert Cote   aka   Robin FahZoom
have asked for and have received
a working knowledge of
*   Llove,~
*   How the Universe Functions,~
*   How to Wake up Humanity.~
Beyond that, I know next to nothing..

My job is to guide you into finding
your own version of a working knowledge of
how to live your own life
in the Fifth Dimension Consciousness~
of Joy, Peace, Llove, and Abundance
     Learn more here.    

.     About-The-Author




C S 18-06-22

Take me to the
The Masters Plan for Acquiring
Fifth Dimension Consciousness    






. Links OK   1-Jul-18 


Please add one or more of these link-symbols
somewhere on your website. 

$JOY       TLC     
StAL       5dC       EGB    
5dSEX       MOMs    HU-CR     EPCM      
CChrs       5dCrp       BLie      MJSJ       FM LvC  

For a description of these links, go to:

w x 3  dot  MystyCrystal  dot  com

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Site Map        Contact Us        Home Page         


Adventures In Consciousness


A TLC-Life-Center Website



How to Wakeup Humanity




TLC-Life-Center is based on the three keys of creation
Llove,  Freedom,  and  Universal Consciousness .  

We acknowledge everyone's direct, personal
connection to Source/Creator/God-Goddess.  
Our goals include creating Personal freedom, 
Financial Freedom, and
Enlightened Consciousness for all

Copyright © 2018  --    Robert E. Coté   --   The Life Center
All rights reserved.     See:   Terms of Use      Privacy Statement
Page Title  
       Humans Who Carry 5d-Christ-Consciousness

Page Description
      Human-Christos is the name for human beings who have brought God-Consciousness into their human bodies.

       Llove Is Not a Four-Letter Word   

Llove,  Freedom,  and  Consciousness  are the three keys of Creation.  
Whatever the question is, Llove is always part of the answer.    




13 April 2019

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