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Adventures  In  Consciousness 

How to Play
Life-on-Earth  Game  
in Fifth Dimension Consciousness  

A TLC-Life-Center Website





The Breathing Technique

That Will Take You HOME




C S 18-07-16




Intentionally Breathing Good-Vibrations
This breathing technique is an absolute winner.
Why?   Because we approach our challenge
from Inside of our positive feelings

We begin by creating  un-attached
 Feel-Good Feelings
Then, one desire at a time,
we connect our desires to the feel-good feelings,
all the while, completely  ignoring all low vibration,
negative thoughts and feelings.    

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   Breathing Feel-Good Vibrations




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C S 18-07-16





*   The common instructions
for conscious manifesting is to
Think about what you intend and
then generate feel good feelings
that match your stated intention
as if it were already manifested.

In the process we offer here,
we create in the reverse order.  
We begin with FahZoom, feel-good  feelings and then
add our intentions one at a time at first.  
Then build on that sense of joy and wonder
and go anywhere we choose.   

*   Prerequisites to This Process:   
To make this process much more effective,
we suggest that before you begin, 
that you read  Page One - The Great In-Between.~
Also, check

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Stillness is your path to God,
Still your mind. 
One of the ways to step away from
fear, stress, chaos, and confusion  
is to use conscious breathing.  
Here's an overview of the process:  

Notice what you feel during the pauses:
    *    between the in-breath and the out-breath,  
    *    between the out-breath and the in-breath.   

If you are presently  focused only in a physical body,  
expand your level of awareness.

Realize/ remember that you are 
much more than just a physical body.  
You are also a non-physical, multi-sensory,
multi-dimensional, Divine God-Being
having a human experience

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*   Setting-The-Context   





C S 18-07-16




.Find a time and a place where you can
sit quietly, comfortably, in silence (no music) and
be completely with yourself.  
Avoid music because sounds tends to dominate your mind. 
The goal is to be completely free of
any influences from your external world.  

If there are any
outside-the-moment concerns
in your mind, 
just notice them and set them aside until later.   

Close your eyes, and focus your mind on your breathing.  
When extraneous thoughts come into your mind, just let them be
and refocus on your breathing.   

Your job is simply notice how you feel
while breathing consciously.  
Pay particular attention to how your feel
during the pauses between the breaths.  
Become an observer.  
Become aware of your body sensations.  
Also become aware of where your mind is
in the pause moments.

In the beginning, the process described below
may sound cumbersome.  
Once you understand  the process and its intention,
you can skip most of the process and
just be in the feelings.   

We'll not describe the results, because, if we did,
we would take away one of your points of discovery.  
We each find whatever we find for ourselves.  
That's one of its blessings of conscious breathing.  

Once your learn how to use this technique,
You can use it to guide yourself into states of being that,
at the moment,
you don't even know that they exist. 

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*   Preparation





C S 18-07-16




Close your eyes and focus on your breathing.  
When you do this, you'll notice
that your breathing cycles and rhythms will shift.  
You'll experience  deep breaths, short breaths,
long pauses, shorter pauses, no pauses at all,
or whatever else feel right in each moment.  

The basic rhythms are not important. 
What is important is that
you become aware of you breathing   
Go with your body. 
If your body feels like moving,
go with the flow an allow yourself to move.
Just do what feels right in the moment. 

Notice the moments of pause between the breaths.  
Become aware of how you are feeling
in those non-breathing  moments.  

Notice the difference between
the pause after the in-breath
the pause after the out-breath.  

Notice that after the in-breath,
there is a sense of expectation
like something else is coming.  

Notice that after the out-breath,
there is a sense of relaxation,
like letting go and just being there in the stillness.   
Feel the FahZoom feeling of this moment. 

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*   Conscious-Breathing





C S 18-07-16




Now add an awareness of  
how you  feel as you inhale,   
and  how you feel as you exhale.  
Notice how each feels different from the other. 

Notice how the inhale moves you toward
the moment of expectation that
is in the pause after the inhale.  

Notice how the exhale moves you into
the sense of quiet and stillness that
is in the pause after the exhale. 
Feel the FahZoom feeling of this moment.   

Feel the relaxation.  
Feel the the letting-go feeling.  
Just be there in the stillness.   
Feel the FahZoom feelings
in the pause after the exhale. 

Continue the conscious breathing cycles
until you are ready to move to the next phase. 


Aaahhh   Ooohhh   Uuuhhh   Oohhhmmmmm:  
We are now going to add
the four sounds we make
when we are experiencing joyous moments. 

Consciously, take in a breath and,
as you exhale,
make the Aaahhh sound. 

Take in another breath and,
as you exhale,
make the Ooohhh  sound.   

Take in another breath and,
as you exhale,
make the Uuuhhh  sound.   

Take in another breath and,
as you exhale,
make the Oohmmmmm   sound.   

Feel the FahZoom feelings
as you exhale and
in the pause after the exhale.

Notice the effect that making these sounds
has on your physical body.

Notice how your inner feelings change from
the Ooohhh sound to the Uuuhhh sound.  

As you make these sounds,
notice how your body begins to relax.  
Become aware of your physical sensations.  
Notice the relaxation
coming into your jaw,
into your shoulders,
into you lower abdomen,
and into any other parts of your body
where you tend to hold muscle tension.   

Continue repeating the four conscious breathing cycles
until you are ready to move to the next phase.    


Staying in the FahZoom Feelings:  

Begin holding the relaxed-release-let-go feelings
during your entire  breathing cycles.  
Continue conscious breathing.  

Notice that you are beginning to feel really good.  
Notice that your feelings are not attached
to anything in your external, physical world.  
Notice the absence of stress, chaos, and confusion.

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*   In-and-Out-Consciousness





C S 18-07-16




The  breathing rhythm described below
Consciously Moving Your Bio-Energy
is the one used in Fifth Dimension Sex
for Achieving
Multiple and Extended Orgasms
and for achieving
Thought-Induced Orgasms.
Lessons are provided to those who join our team.

Students committed to achieving 5th-DC
will figure this one out on their own.
If you do, contact us.  
Are you interested in joining one of our teaching teams.

Consciously Moving Your Bio-Energy:
In your mind see and, in your beingness,
feel a pea-sized ball of pink Light
in the center of our heart.
This is called  your God-Point.
Imagine the ball getting bigger until it's
about the size of a volley ball.

Imagine your pink ball gliding down through your body
and into the Earth.
Connect your light to Source/Creator's Crystal globe
which encircles the entire inner Earth
This energy is both God's energy
and your own personal god-force energy.

Imagine your life-force energy
rising back up into your body.
Feel it rising up your spine and into your head on the inhale.  

As you exhale, imagine that energy flowing
down the front of your body. 
Feel it as relaxed-release-let-go feelings
in your lower abdomen. 
Stay with the feelings while in the pause after the exhale.  

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*   Moving-Sexual-Energy-with-Your-Breath



C S 18-07-16



How would you describe what you are feeling
We refer to this state of consciousness as
FahZoom  (feel-good)  feelings? 

For example,
I feel Safe  and  Secure ,
Life seems to be flowing with Grace and  Ease.
I am Comfortable.   Relaxed.   Peaceful.  
I am completely at ease    
I feel like I'm in my real home.
It's warm in cold weather
It's Cool(in hot weather.
I feel really, really good
 sharing my life with the Core, FahZoom Team
All of us
are clear thinkers
All of us are filled with Llove.


Would you like these words to describe
the feelings you will feel and  experience
when you are in our new home?   
Imagine your home while feeling these feelings.  

I feel Safe and Secure here.
Life seems to be flowing with Grace and  Ease.
I am Comfortable.   Relaxed.   Peaceful.  
I feel completely at ease here
I feel like I'm at my real home.
I feel really, really good
 sharing my life with the Core, FahZoom Team

All of us
are clear thinkers
All of us are filled with Llove.

My home is  delightful place to Live,
a delightful place  express my being
and the perfect place to accomplish
the next phase of our mission.

Would you like these words to describe something else,
like your body and/ or your mind, and/or your life in general? 


Shift the adjectives describing your feel-good feelings .
Shift them to Fun and to delightfully pleasing.

Shift the topic
to your relationship with your significant other.     

Play with your FahZoom feelings.  

What potential, physical manifestations
would your like to focus on?  
Once you become skillful at
creating feel-good feelings,
you can apply the FahZoom feelings
to any topic of your choosing.  

What makes you feel good? 
Whatever that is, put your thoughts about it
into the silence between
your out-breath and your in-breath.  
What does that feel like for you?  

See the section titled
Focus your consciusness
for extensive lists of topics
with which you can use this technique.

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C S 18-07-16





Creating Emotions First
How To Create The Future You Want with Dr. Joe Dispenza -
YouTube    1:28:18
Beginning at minute 30:25,to 32:50
Dr. Joe Dispenza describes the process
of creating the emotions, the fell-good feelings first,
and then adding the topic you choose to experience

Te existence of God is NOT something you prove or disprove.
It's something you realize you are.

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1   May   2019




We'd like to know how we can improve our products and services.
Please tell us:
*   What you   liked best   about the content of this page?
*   What you   liked least   about the content of this page?
*   Offer your comments and suggestions.    






REVISED 19-04-09--30-Apr-19




I/We/Robert Cote   aka   Aum  FahZoom
have asked for and have received
a working knowledge of
*   Llove,~
*   How the Universe Functions,~
*   How to Wake up Humanity.~
Beyond that, I know next to nothing..

My job is to guide you into finding
your own version of a working knowledge of
how to live your own life
in the Fifth Dimension Consciousness~
of Joy, Peace, Llove, and Abundance
     Learn more here.    

.     About-The-Author





C S 18-06-22

Take me to the
The Masters Plan for Acquiring
Fifth Dimension Consciousness    






. Links OK   1-Jul-18 


Please add one or more of these link-symbols
somewhere on your website. 

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5dSEX       MOMs    HU-CR     EPCM      
CChrs       5dCrp       BLie      MJSJ       FM LvC  

For a description of these links, go to:

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Adventures In Consciousness


A TLC-Life-Center Website



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TLC-Life-Center is based on the three keys of creation
Llove,  Freedom,  and  Universal Consciousness .  

We acknowledge everyone's direct, personal
connection to Source/Creator/God-Goddess.  
Our goals include creating Personal freedom, 
Financial Freedom, and
Enlightened Consciousness for all

Copyright © 2019  --    Robert E. Coté   --   The Life Center
All rights reserved.     See:   Terms of Use      Privacy Statement
Page Title  
       Humans Who Carry 5d-Christ-Consciousness

Page Description
      Human-Christos is the name for human beings who have brought God-Consciousness into their human bodies.

       Llove Is Not a Four-Letter Word   

Llove,  Freedom,  and  Consciousness  are the three keys of Creation.  
Whatever the question is, Llove is always part of the answer.    





C S 18-07-16





The existence of God is NOT something you prove.
It's something you realize you are.

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