Site 30       Pg.  Created:   1 June 2019          Updated:   1 June 2019



Adventures  In  Consciousness 

How to Play
Life-on-Earth  Game  
in Fifth Dimension Consciousness  

A TLC-Life-Center Website

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Paradise Gardens

Organic Food Gardens by and for







C S 18-06-22




How to create enough food for everyone:

Imagine an abundant supply of fresh clean water
in the desert areas of Southern California
and in the all but empty lands of southern Texas.

With water, these two areas could be (and will be) 
Humanity's  first, Paradise, Organic, Food Gardens
owned and operated by and for We-The-People.

*   We have already explained
     Where the start-up money will come from?
     We explain this concept offer specific suggestions at

*   We apply the foundation -corporation business structure.
     Read a Summary / Overview at:

*   We start in Texas and in Southern California.

*   In each location,
     in order to prove this concept in actual service,
     we build  a small, test, water-evaporation system.

*   Using solar energy,
    we pump ocean water into
     the test, sunshine, water-evaporation system.
*   We collect the evaporated water,
     then, re-mineralize the pure water
     to match healthy mountain spring water
     with zero salt content.

*   Then we turn our two  test locations
     into organic community gardens,
*   Using this simple Low-technology system
    We-The-People can work together,
     and create Paradise Gardens all over the Earth

The Bottom Line:
*   Technology  already exists
*   Money from the Excess Money retrieval system
*   Jobs for those who choose to work
*   Healthy organic food for everyone
*    Re-vitalizing Sacred Mother Earth.
*   We bypass the Cabal Corporate farming system
*   Everybody wins.

This simple, low-tech system
can be used in thousands of location
*   anywhere humans choose to use it.
*   and then do the physical work required to
    turn thoughts into physical reality.

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Section Title Index




C S 18-07-16




*    Creating-Paradise-Food-Gardens
         Enough Food for everyone

*   Connections---Bringing-All-the-Pieces-Together

*   The-No-Good-The-Bad-and-the-Ugly
        The Banker's Plan to enslave you
*   Medium-of-Exchange-Measure-of-Value

*   Opening-the-Door-to-Who-and-What-we-Are

*      References    





C S 18-06-22





Remember, everything is connected to
and part of everything else.

Food Distribution Centers
will be located at each
community garden support facility.
Free and/or low-cost food fr members
Ecxess food will be sold for profit.

These processes 
will eventually  move food production and distribution
*   from corporate control
*   to We-The-People Control

Regarding food production and distribution,
We-The-People are creating a new system in which
we (the collative we) create our own food.
This is a major step in obtaining human freedom

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Site 30:    Adventures in Fifth Dimension Consciousness
*  Website  Home Page:
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*   Page Title
Paradise Gardens   -
                            Organic Food Gardens
                            by and for We-The-People

*   Section Title:  
*   Section Address:




C S 18-06-22




Here's a powerful example of why We-The-People
need to be in control of
our food production and distribution system.

Recently, May 29-30, 2019,
experience two eye-opening events, 
one regarding Service to Self
the other an example of Service to ALL.

First  the sheyitt services 
 of The Bad and Ugly:
At the expense of the employees and customers at
Ralphs Grocery market at the corner of
Roscoe and Laurel Canyon in 
Sun valley district of , Los Angeles California
the  corporate controllers
fired all the people who used to work
at the grocery check out counters/ stands 
and replaced the service people
 with AI controlled machines,
forcing  customer
to provide their own grocery check out services..

Why did they do this?
Because they are minions of the Caba banking criminalsl.
*   More money to the bankers.
*   No service to the customers
*   More grief and misery for the people.

Our Llove and compassing goes out
to these newly unemployed people,

As for the corporate executives
administered this fiasco at Ralphs,
we wish them well and send them elsewhere.
We send them Llove because they are fellow humans,
fellow God Being who are thoroughly mind controlled.
Our response follows two of the teachings of Jesus:
*   "Forgive them, they no not what they do."
*   "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone."

What is the appropriate response of
Instead of arguing and fighting,
we focus our attention on creating an alternative.
Gardens -- Organic-Community-Owned Gardens
by, of, and for We-The-People


If you think happening at Ralph's is a stand alone incident, 
I assure you is much more sinister..
Listen to David Ick
He has spent 30 years reserching Cabal tactics.
We'll let him explain it.

THE TRUTH ABOUT MONEY – David Icke London Real [VIDEO] Galactic Connection  8:15
Pay particular notice  beginning at minute 4:20   to 7:40
Creating a   Cashless Society  The ultimate control tool.

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Section Title Index




C S 18-06-22





Below, is what I see at the moment.   September 2019

Between the time we begin creating our first
Community-Organic-Food Center
and the death of money,
we will use a value and exchange system.
based upon ounces of silver.

We will have a computerized exchange system
in which  one one-hundredth of an ounce of silver
will be our basic unit of exchange.

Members bring their excess home grown food
to the community's  food exchange, sale, and distribution center
and in exchange, receive units of credit based on ounces of silver.
They can use their credit in exchange for
food products or ounces of silver
Each one-hundred unit can be exchanged
for one ounce of silver.

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Section Title Index for
Site 30:    Adventures in Fifth Dimension Consciousness
*  Website  Home Page:
*   Return to Page-Content

*   Page Title
Paradise Gardens   -
                            Organic Food Gardens
                            by and for We-The-People

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*   Section Address:













13 April 2019






Christian Bible     Genesis  11:6
Fifth Dimension Version
    And the LORD said,   
    “Behold, Earth humans are All One People.
     They all share one language,  
     the language called Llove.
     This is only the beginning    
     of what Earth humans will do.
     Anything  and everything that they propose to do
     will now be possible for them."

Do you see now how working together
to provide for everyone's needs,
 not just our own,
is our key to everything?

*   Everywhere you go
*   Every major, spiritual teacher,
*   Every religion.
*   The physics of Consciousness,
*   Every self-aware person on the entire planet
All of them,    all of of that    give us the same message, 
even the beetles tell us, 
*   "Llove is all you need.."

The Door is open.
Find The First Lost Secret of
The Seven Lost Secrets of Llove

                       Creating  Phase Two of
                         FahZoom Town:
             Homes, Farms, and Organic Foods

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Section Title Index

Part Three   Opening-the-Door-to-Who-and-What-we-Are



C S 18-06-22

Springtime  May 11 2022.   



Before the days of
Home-Grown-Organic Garden Training Centers
we went to the grocery  market
and bought their fruits and vegetables,
We never really knew what we were eating.

Slowly we learned that those
who declared themselves to be in control
were actually mind-controlled,
genetically altered humans,
working to keep us under the control of their masters,
an off planet species of beings..

Then, given that information,
We new that we had a secret enemy
working to control us, fuck us, or kill us,
and often it was all three,

Today, We are
Home-Grown-Organic Garden members
We know what we are eating.
We now eat guaranteed health-producing foods
Join  your local, community Garden's mutual support team
or Create one. 
The garden support system is available to help you.

I am that I am.      I am a Fifth Dimension Systems Designer.
I am a designer.    You are a builder.
I am busy being I am that I am. I am a designer of

that which I choose to become next.

We are all evolving. 
It's impossible to be otherwise in  this reality
I am a master of becoming
Join me in the Adventure into Fifth Dimension consciousness
Find our entry portal at
     The First Lost Secret of   
     Seven Lost Secrets of Llove

I am that I am.      I am a Fifth Dimension Systems Designer.
I am a designer.    You are a builder.
I am busy being I am that I am. I am a designer of

that which I choose to become next.

We are all evolving. 
It's impossible to be otherwise in  this reality
I am a master of becoming
Join me in the Adventure into Fifth Dimension consciousness
Find our entry portal at
     The First Lost Secret of   
     Seven Lost Secrets of Llove

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Section Title Index







13 April 2019




Curtis Stone:   

The Astonishing Success of Fleet Farming:
Breaking New Ground in the
“Food Not Lawns” Movement


This Ocean Farmer Grows Food That Cleans up Pollution Galactic Connection


THE TRUTH ABOUT MONEY – David Icke London Real [VIDEO] Galactic Connection  8:15


Creating  Phase Two of FahZoom Town:
Homes, Farms, and Organic Foods

*   We have already explained
     Where the start-up money will come from?
     We explain this concept at:  
     and offer specific suggestions at


*   We apply the foundation -corporation business structure.
     Read a Summary / Overview at:

Love Is All You Need - Beatles - YouTube  3:51


Christian Bible     Genesis  11:6
Fifth Dimension Version
    And the LORD said,   
    “Behold, Earth humans are All One People.
     They all share one language,  
     the language called Llove.
     This is only the beginning    
     of what Earth humans will do.
     Anything  and everything that they propose to do
     will now be possible for them."

Want Even More?
Here's a piece of truth
that will shock your false beliefs
all the way to your core:

Here' what the evidence tell us about
"Why there ain't no pictures of Earth from space."

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Section Title Index




13 April 2019


Teaches Profitable Backyard Farming



This section includes notes based on
a YouTube video in which Curtis Stone
was interviewed about home gardening.   

He has  Book: Urban Farmer available for$30
Plus Dozens of free videos on YouTube.  

Here are some highlights from the interview   

Become a producer instead of just a consumer.
Stop trying to fix the world.
Instead create for yourself.
Once your cup is full, then you can help others.

Provide Value:
You say you want to help.   Here's what to do.
Fill one of the two major needs of people
Health Care and Food    

If you want an independent business,
home gardening
(quick growing, high value produce)
is the way to go.
Almost anybody can do it.

Home-Grown, Organic, Community Gardens   

Also produce food for yourself, your family, and
your community growing partners.
Sell excess to local stores that want organic food.

What Kind of Foods to Grow:
What you grow depends upon your natural environment.
What crops grow best in your location.  

Crops for personal and for your growing partner's consumption:
Grow foods you like to eat.

Foods to Sell

Five attributes regarding what to grow:

1) pick crops that have a high consumer demand.

2) Plant crops that have a short maturity time like 60 days

3) Plant crops that require only a small growing space.

4) Pick crops that have a long growing season,
so you can grow several crops during a single season.

5) Grow crops that have a high selling price

Salable crops include
Micro greens
Cut salad greens
Baby root vegetables

Urban Farmer Curtis Stone Teaches Profitable Backyard Farming
By Vin Armani 

In this video, the Urban Farmer Curtis Stone
describes his journey from socialist musician ||
to liberty-loving entrepreneur
who’s front yard and backyard farm makes
more than $100,000 a year.
Curtis is an inspirational example of
living the change he wants to see in the world.  

Curtis Stone is a farmer, author, speaker and consultant.
His area of expertise is in quick growing,
high value annual vegetables
for direct consumer market streams. His book, 

The Urban Farmer demonstrates organic intensive techniques
with a focus on business and systems
to streamline labor and production.
He offers a new way to think about farming.
One where quality of life and profitability coexist.
Visit Curtis at`      

The Astonishing Success of Fleet Farming:
Breaking New Ground in the
“Food Not Lawns” Movement

Posted by stevew | Aug 11, 2017 | 2017, Daily Blog, Environment Physical and Etheric, Food | 0 |

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Section Title Index

     Teaches Profitable Backyard Farming



13 April 2019

Organic Food Gardens 777




The Master's Plan -- Present Status June 2019

We-The-People Advisory Council~ 

The Key Players in the We-The-People Advisory Council

Organic Food Gardens  by and for We-The-People

Overview of How to Prepare for
the Decline, Demise, and DEATH of MONEY

Living Library of Human and Cosmic Knowledge  

The First Lost Secret of
The Seven Lost Secrets of Llove.~

Monthly, Full Moon Celebrations of Life and Llove

The Masters Detailed Plan
for Acquiring Fifth Dimension Consciousness

<><><>   <><><>   <><><>  
Section Title Index  Master's Plan
*   Back to Page-Content




1   May   2019




We'd like to know how we can improve our products and services.
Please tell us:
*   What you   liked best   about the content of this page?
*   What you   liked least   about the content of this page?
*   Offer your comments and suggestions.    


REVISED 19-04-09--30-Apr-19




I/We/Robert Cote   aka   Aum FahZoom
have asked for and have received
a working knowledge of
*   Llove,~
*   How the Universe Functions,~
*   How to Wake up Humanity.~
Beyond that, I know next to nothing..

My job is to guide you into finding
your own version of a working knowledge of
how to live your own life
in the Fifth Dimension Consciousness~
of Joy, Peace, Llove, and Abundance
     Learn more here.    

.     About-The-Author





Take me to

The Masters Plan for Acquiring
Fifth Dimension Consciousness 



The Master's Plan

Seven of Nine







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Adventures In Consciousness


A TLC-Life-Center Website    

TLC-Life-Center is based on the three keys of creation
Llove,  Freedom,  and  Universal Consciousness .  

We acknowledge everyone's direct, personal
connection to Source/Creator/God-Goddess.  
Our goals include creating Personal freedom, 
Financial Freedom, and
Enlightened Consciousness for all

Copyright © 2018  --    Robert E. Coté   --   The Life Center
All rights reserved.     See:   Terms of Use      Privacy Statement
Page Title  
       Humans Who Carry 5d-Christ-Consciousness

Page Description
      Human-Christos is the name for human beings who have brought God-Consciousness into their human bodies.

       Llove Is Not a Four-Letter Word   

Llove,  Freedom,  and  Consciousness  are the three keys of Creation.  
Whatever the question is, Llove is always part of the answer.    








C S 18-06-22


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