

Site 30       Pg.  Created:   1 Sep  2018           Updated:   Dec 2020



Adventures  In  Consciousness 

How to Play
Life-on-Earth  Game  
in Fifth Dimension Consciousness  

A TLC-Life-Center Website









13 April 2019

Outreach Messages




74  Gena Cucher

73  Dean -Graziosi---Pivot---End-of-Money

72   To Tony  Robins --  You need me as an Advisor/ Consultant

99 x 99    =    9,801

For Whom do you Speak 
And on Whose Authority
See chapters 150  to 158  and
Chapter 209   The Devil Exposes Himself
In Front of the Children of Light

Llove-Potion 99

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Entry Pages

   Organic gardens is Focal point for
       Service to All Social structure

789   Message to All    Death of Money    ... 

678   Message to Tai Lopez

456   Message-to-Tai-Lopez-and-Alex-Mehr~

45   It's time to really be of service
       To Very wealthy People 
       Passed the make money test
       Read first mesage to the very wealthy


43   About TLC-Life-Center

43                Empty

42   We-The-People's Advisory Council     NOT COMPLETE

41   Co-Creation Teams   Organic Community Gardens ..
40  The First Lost Secret of Llove

39   The Power of Internet Links      NOT COMPLETE

38   Imagine Your Personal Tomorrow
37   Life After the Death of Money

36   The Ultimate Worthy Cause

35   The-Real-Purpose-of-the-Coronavirus

33   Organic Gardens       
       Organic gardens is Focal point for
       Service to All Social structure
32   A Huge Finder's Fee Is Waiting for You

31  Money's big Surprise
     RE:   The End of Money










F.R. 18-03-09

Huge Finder's Fee .

It's Time for You to  WAKE UP  and Take Notice.

Life in a World Without Money is Coming Soon.
A Million-Dollar Finders fee Is Waiting for YOU.
Use itto prepare your self for a World withut money.

Enter Here




C S 18-06-22

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In order to avoid long web page addresses
in our outreach messageswe have createdd entry pages.

Here is a list of entry pages
Previously -created entry pages may not show up on this list.


The Fifth Dimension Has Arrived.

It's Time for You to 
WAKE UP  and Take Notice.
Life in a World Without Money is Coming Soon.
A Million-Dollar Finders fee Is Waiting for YOU.

Enter Here


Legal Documents




You have passed the
How to Make Money Test
and you have helped a lot of people.
Now it's time to really be of service.
Read our letter to you at :



You've mastered the art of
Grammar school finances.
Now, it's time to become an adult and
express your full financial mastery.

   Adventures  In  Consciousness
Is a Work in Process

  Enter Here

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Section Title Index





















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FahZoom Home -- a personal example:          FahZoom Home  
What is described below, grew out of my longing for
a major missing piece in my life.   

This grew out of several childhood
self-image destroying incidents
and from a major trauma at age 5.  
My family got evicted from our home.

There have been times in my life when I felt
some of the states of being references to
in the following five  words:  
lost, alone, abandoned, isolated, hopeless,
and I asked:   What's wrong with me?  

In those moments, I just wanted to go home.  
I didn't know what or where home was.
All I knew is that it was some place else

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I express and experience the following as fully manifested

I now live in a safe, secure home -
a home which I am completely in control,
a home that is mine for as long as I choose to be there.  
and that feels really, really  good.

I am now creating the fulfillment of my deepest,
previously- lost desire.   I am creating  
FahZoom Home and then FahZoom Town.   
This is also my home base from which
I now fulfill many other previously unfulfilled desires. 
and that feels really, really  good

I have a home where I belong, 
a home that belonged to me,   

I have a home where I feel
welcomed and loved and worthy

I have a home in the new Fifth Dimension service to all social structure.  Here money is useless, absent and irrelevant.

***   I have a home in which
I can  be exactly as I choose to be,
do exactly as I choose to do,
have what I choose to have.

FahZoom Home and then FahZoom Town.   

FahZoom Home is a place where I  share
my understanding of the Nature of Reality
with others who are open-minded enough
to examine the evidence. 

FahZoom Home is on a large property where we grow 
an abundance of home-grown, fresh, organic food.

FahZoom Home is a place where our kitchen provides
an abundance of free, fully prepared food
for all residence,  

FahZoom Home is a place were there are near
large, old-growth  trees
and other joy-enhancing vegetation,  

FahZoom Home is in an area  where there are
rivers and streams, and lakes
and wild animals that freely roam.,  

FahZoom Home is
a place where
everybody has there own personal living place,
a place that is exclusively their own,  

FahZoom Home is a place where the healthy
sharing of sensual delights with others is  normal,

FahZoom Home is a place I freely experience
the beauty in human female form
in all of her delightful expressions,  

FahZoom Home is a place where
we can experience each other
as fellow Gods and Goddesses in physical form,  

FahZoom Home is a base from which  those of us
who choose to explore and experience the universe
can step into adventure in mutually supporting teams.  


The real intention is for
the inner states of being known as
Loving and being Lloved,
Being Included 
Feeling safe and secure,  
Dependability,   Consistency,
Being worthy, deserving, and enough,  
Feeling in control of my life
and all that
feels really, really  good

Creating Phase Two of FahZoom Town       




C S 18-07-16




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C S 18-07-16





Lifestyle changes
Organic community gardens
Dr. Amy Lee

Start with First Lost Secret
Law of Context
Law of Corespondence

Test OK







13 April 2019

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Do you want complete freedom?             
Do you want more Llove in your life?           
Do you want to live in a world of abundance for all?

We-The-People are in the process of
creating that and much more
and we want you on one of our Earth Recovery Teams.

Test OK





R. F.     18-04  21




Robert Cote'   aka   AhhhHoom FahZoom  

I Am a Visionary
I am a 5th-Dimension Guide and Trainer.
I am a
Fifth-Dimension-Systems Designer.
               See Example~

I am here on Earth to participate in
the first ever-

Re-Birth of an Entire Planet. 

My Job,    My Joy,    My Play
is to be in physical form and create
prototype designs,
that can be used
to build our new  5th-D. World.

May I introduce myself

I AM/ We Are:
***   Author of
        Adventures  In  Consciousness~    

***   I/We created  the basic design for
        The Living Library of Human and Cosmic Knowledge~   5dC

***   Let us show you how the previously ignored teachings of Jesus,
The Physics of Consciousness   and   Universal Spirituality
         all giving us the same message.
        Conscious Christianity~

***   I am/ we are the originator and designer of
         all seven on FahZoom Town's Districts (aka Specialty Teams).
         FahZoom Town~   

***   Let us show you the pathway to
        Fifth Dimension Consciousness~    

***   I/We designed the world's best business structure,
        a Foundation/Corporation-Partnership that can
         completely eliminate the need to tax anybody for anything.
         5d Foundation/Corporation Business Partnership~    5dCrp

***   I am we are the psychological-archaeologist,
       the discoverer of,  and  the author of
       The  Seven Lost Secrets of Llove~    Llove
        Source-Creator is teaching
The Personality-Self  about Llove.
        I am honored to be a Fifth Dimension
Life-Coach /  Love-Coach /  Consultant ~

***   I/We are participators in creating our new future.
        Soon, millions of us will be 
       Living, Lloving , Learning,
       Teaching, Practicing, and Celebrating
The  Seven Lost Secrets of Llove~    Llove     

***   I/We designed and Created the concept of
       Full-Moon Llove Celebrations of Life and Llove~    FM LvC

***   I am / we are teachers of Marijuana-Meditation-

***   I am / we are the investigators  who solved 
The Antarctica

***   I am / we are  gifted with  highly Creative Imagination
        I am/we are a Visionary's Vision

***   I/We write universal Truths in an entertaining format

       Example 1  Interview with the devil.
       Example 2   Yoni-Dance Book trilogy~


Join us in
Adventures  in  5d  Consciousness  





1   May   2019




We'd like to know how we can improve our products and services.
Please tell us:
*   What you   liked best   about the content of this page?
*   What you   liked least   about the content of this page?
*   Offer your comments and suggestions.    






REVISED 19-04-09--30-Apr-19




I/We/Robert Cote   aka   Aum FahZoom
have asked for and have received
a working knowledge of
*   Llove,~
*   How the Universe Functions,~
*   How to Wake up Humanity.~
Beyond that, I know next to nothing..

My job is to guide you into finding
your own version of a working knowledge of
how to live your own life
in the Fifth Dimension Consciousness~
of Joy, Peace, Llove, and Abundance
     Learn more here.    

.     About-The-Author





C S 18-06-22

Take me to the
The Masters Plan for Acquiring
Fifth Dimension Consciousness    






. Links OK   1-Jul-18 


Please add one or more of these link-symbols
somewhere on your website. 

$JOY       TLC     
StAL       5dC       EGB    
5dSEX       MOMs    HU-CR     EPCM      
CChrs       5dCrp       BLie      MJSJ       FM LvC  

For a description of these links, go to:

w x 3  dot  MystyCrystal  dot  com

All L-pages  L3-L7 all link sections updater 1 Oct 18








Site Map        Contact Us        Home Page         


Adventures In Consciousness


A TLC-Life-Center Website



Page Template




TLC-Life-Center is based on the three keys of creation
Llove,  Freedom,  and  Universal Consciousness .  

We acknowledge everyone's direct, personal
connection to Source/Creator/God-Goddess.  
Our goals include creating Personal freedom, 
Financial Freedom, and
Enlightened Consciousness for all

Copyright © 2018  --    Robert E. Coté   --   The Life Center
All rights reserved.     See:   Terms of Use      Privacy Statement
Page Title  
       Humans Who Carry 5d-Christ-Consciousness

Page Description
      Human-Christos is the name for human beings who have brought God-Consciousness into their human bodies.

       Llove Is Not a Four-Letter Word   

Llove,  Freedom,  and  Consciousness  are the three keys of Creation.  
Whatever the question is, Llove is always part of the answer.    







C S 18-06-22


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F.R. 18-03-09





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