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Adventures  In  Consciousness 

How to Play
Life-on-Earth  Game  
in Fifth Dimension Consciousness  

A TLC-Life-Center Website



Six Major Banking Frauds


Your life is about to
dramatically change for the better,
thanks to the push from







All six of the lies listed below are discussed in detail
on the web page titled:
The Great God, Money   
The Six Greatest  Financial Scams

*1   Lending and
Charging Interest
for the Use of Non-Existent Money
    The banking criminals do not have
     the trillions of dollars that
     they have loaned to customers.
     If you have any kind of bank loan
     (i.e. home mortgage,  student loan,  auto loan,  etc.)
     You are paying your hard-earned  money
     for  interest on,      for the use of

     Also see The Curse of Debt:

*2   The Inflation Scam
     This scam steals the value out of
     the money already  in circulation.
     Prices DO NOT RISE . 
     The value of money decreases

*3   The Lie Called Scarcity
     Money can only exist in the context of scarcity
     Scarcity is a result of believing the lies
     that deny The True Nature of Humanity.

*4   The Financial Scam called The Federal Reserve
       This is the longest-lasting financial scam
       in all of human history. 
  <>  Instead of the U, S. Government
       issuing Debt-Free Money
       directly from the U.S. Treasury,
       the criminal banker created The Federal Reserve Bank
       a bank that had no money and began loaning
       fiat, fake, non-existent money.
  <>  The criminal-owned cartel of bankers
       charge    everyone,  you, me, every money-borrower,
       including the U.S.  Government
       interest on the use of
       the non -existent money. 
       This is what the national debt is all about.

*5   The Criminal Bankers Intentionally Create
     Boom / Bust Financial Cycles
    Here's an overview of their wealth stealing scam:
     *   They loan  money into circulation
         The economy booms
      *   They pull the money back out 
           to create a recession / depression.
      *   The economy declines or cra
      *   The bankers or their hidden cronies,
           buy up assets at fire-sale prices
     *   Then they start the cycle all over again.

       A stable money supply is the key to
       everybody's economic  stability

*6   The criminal bankers lie to the people about
        What and Who Humans Really Are
       and the lie  about ability of humans to create
       vast amounts of abundance using
       their natural powers of Creation

All this is part of a much bigger lie called Secret Slavery
Deception -- The Invisible Prison
               Ultimate 3rd D. Weapon of War

<><><><>   <><><><>   <><><><>

Here's a
to the Cabal Banking Criminals

Four More pieces of the Simple Solution
1)  Cancel all fraud-based loans
     made by the Cabal criminal bankers
     aka  Jubilee     aka   Financial Reset
     i.e.   For example: 
     Cancel   The National Debt.
     Cancel all home loans.
     Cancel all student loans.

2)  Create a separate domestic currency
      For use by We-The-People
     This is clearly distinct from corporate investment money.

3)   Issue Debt-Free Money directly from the U.S. Treasury
       And use the money ONLY for
       rebuilding the nations infrastructure
      *   It's not really lending anybody anything . 
      *   If you want to refer to it as lending,
          It's We-The-People lending money to ourselves
      *   Actually, what that would be is simply
           to replace the vitally and missing piece
          (The medium of exchange) from
           an otherwise functional economy.

4)   Create  a Multi-Millionaire Financial Power Team

List of Six Money-Related References:

*1   Money -  The Death of Money
     See    The Living Library of Human & Cosmic Knowledge  

*2   Multi-Millionaires' Team of Financial Power . . .

*3   Money -- The Great God, Money   23

*4   The Great God Money     Let's Talk Money    16
*5   Documentary About the Money Fraud:

The Secret of OZ  Bill Still     :56:24  
The Secret of Oz - Winner, Best Docu of 2010 v.1.09.11 - YouTube
Money  -- Are You Addicted o Making Money?

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*   Section Title:     Six-Major-Criminal-Banking-Frauds
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Your money and your wealth
     are being secretly and systematically stolen.

               To  End  the theft,
the Six Major Banking Frauds.

It's time for you to learn the real truth about money.
*   Here's what our investigation has
     FoundDiscovered, and Uncovered.
*   We now  Expose and Disclose our findings
     to you and for you.

*   This applies to everybody in the United States,
     and to much of the rest of the world as well.

      Every day, a portion of your money
           and a portion of your wealth

               is being secretly and systematically stolen
                    by the incredibly corrupt and evil
                         banking system.

The coronavirus Is a Catalyst, Pushing Humanity
into and through Huge Changes:

*   Major Money, and wealth  changes are now inevitable.
*   The old, 3rd-D.  money system is dying.
*    A new money system is being born.
*   The new system is honest, open, and fair.
*   Everything is shared
     with Llove, with Compassion,
     and with much, heart-felt  Gratitude.  
*   Everyone is included.

Are you ready for
wealth and abundance for all?

How do we get there?
*   We simply expose and then
  The Six Major, Cabal-Created, Banking Frauds.
*   After that, everything needed, desired, or required
     will flow into our lives
     with the grace and ease with which
     water flows down hill.

We encourage you to
*   Examine the evidence,
*   Openly endorse and participate in the new system,
*   Share this message with family, friends, and co-workers.
*   DEMAND  AN  END  to the
Concept Address:

Thank you,
Blessings Be Llove    (love)
Robert Cote'     and     Aum FahZoom

<><><>   <><><><>
*   Section Address:     Page-Summary---Overview.    





This is the most important,
most profound, most visible,
and most welcome change
in all of human history

Skip the introductory data and take me directly to
The Six-Major-Criminal-Banking-Frauds

and then to the Seven-Simple-Ways / Solutions
that will end the financial corruption.

For centuries, humanity has been
living under the secret control of
a vast network of organized criminals.
The Mafia is child's play in comparison to
this infestation of evil  parasites.

They have been silently and clandestinely
stealing wealth and controlling human behavior
in the United Sates since 1913.  
and before that,
at least as far back as 
Mayer Amschel Rothschild .

This cartel of private banking criminals
is commonly known, in the U.S., as the Federal Reserve.

*   We have finally found something
     that everybody can agree on:
      END the Six, Major, Criminal, Banking Frauds.

*   Who is in favor of ending
     the Six, major, Banking Frauds:?
     EVERY real human in every country
      on the entire plant Earth,
     including people of 
     <>   every race,   
     <>   every religion,
     <>   very gender,  
     <>   every sexual preference,
     <>   every nationality.

Who and What Is Opposed
to ending the Banking frauds?
     <>   The Cabal criminal bankers,
     <>   The off-planet beings who control
           the Cabal, mind-controlled Bankers,
     <>   AI  Artificial intelligence,
      <>  Who or what (if anything) that controls AI.

Below, on this page,
we expose Six-Major-Criminal-Banking-Frauds.

We will also tell you
the Six-Simple-Solutions to end their control.

<><><><>   <><><><>

*   Section Title:      The-End-of-The-Six-Banking-Frauds










The coming  money and financial  changes
are so life-altering
that they challenge our minds
to even imagine them.

Exposing the six Banking Frauds
will break down the old Cabal-control system and
lead us
to very different world.
The World will be different
in every  aspects of our lives

The new money system is an interim system
leading to the complete death of scarcity.
The end of scarcity will result in the end of money.
Money will become useless, worthless, and then
Completely dead, Dead> DEAD.!  and Gone Forever.

It's all part of the Cosmic-level shift
into the age of Llove and Abundance.
Astrologers refer to this as
the now eagerly anticipated
Age of Aquarius.

The long-awaited, Fifth-Dimension world
of Llove and Abundance for all
has arrived, right on schedule.
This is first and foremost,
a change in our Collective Consciousness.

If you are familiar with
the cosmic principle called Correspondence,
then you know that patterns that show up in one place
can also be found elsewhere. 
The Coronavirus, follows the same pattern as
 the swine flue, the bird flue, like catching a cold, etc.
It's about cleaning up an imbalance
in the person expressing the Feel-Bad-Feelings

The Primary Cosmic Purpose
of the coronavirus
is cleaning up the huge financial imbalances
in money and wealth between the super-wealthy bankers
and We-The- People.

Because th people would not / could not do so on their own,
The Coronavirus was/is a cosmic catalyst/trigger
that breaks the back of the old, criminal-controlled
service-to-self system.

It  will lead us into a world
with so much abundance that Scarcity and Money
will both, soon be dead, Dead. DEAD.!  and Gone, Forever

Again, according to the repetitive  patterns shown to us
by The Law of Correspondence,
when the imbalance is restored to balance
the coronavirus will have served its purpose
and it will, like other flues / viruses,
fade into relative  insignificance.  
<><><><>   <><><><

Let's begin with Six-Major-Criminal-Banking-Frauds
and then we'll describe a world beyond money

If you need to check my credibility /believability go here.
I've been studying the hidden/ignored/ unspoken  truths
about economics since age eleven (1951)
when my father bought a five bedroom home
in a very nice residential neighborhood in Brattleboro, Vermont
on a double lot for only five thousand dollars
An estimate of comparative cost today is in the 300,000 range

<><><><>   <><><><>
*   Section Title:     Prepare-Yourself-for-Major-Money-Changes







We offer extensive fact-based evidence
in support of each of these six acts of financial fraud.

    Lending and charging interest
      for the use of Non-Existent Money

*   The banking criminals do not have
     the trillions of dollars that
      they have loaned to customers.

*   They make ledger entries and
     print pictures and numbers
     on fancy pieces of paper and call it money

*   If you have any kind of bank loan
     (i.e.  home mortgage,  student loan,  auto loan,  etc.)
     You are using your hard-earned money
     to pay interest  for the use of


       This is a variation of the above scam,
       Interest for the use of nonexistent money.

*    When a customer deposits money
       into his or her bank account,
       the bank loans out ten times
       the amount of money on deposit.

      The Inflation Scam
      This scam steals the value out of
      the money already  in circulation.
      Prices DO NOT RISE . 
     The value of money decreases
       This is the first primary law of economics in acTion

      The Lie Called Scarcity
     Money can only exist in the context of scarcity    
     Scarcity is a result of believing the lies
     that deny The True Nature of Humanity.
*   When scarcity ends,
the need and use of money will also end.

      The Financial Scam called The Federal Reserve
       Instead of the U, S. Government
       issuing Debt-Free Money
       directly from the U.S. Treasury,
       the Criminal banker created debt-based money system
      in which a criminal-owned cartel of bankers
      charge  everyone, including you and me ,
      and the U.S.  Government interest on the use of
      the non -existent money. 
     This is what the national debt is all about.

     The Criminal Bankers Intentionally Create
     Boom / Bust Financial Cycles
    Here's an overview of their wealth stealing scam:
     *   They loan  money into circulation
         The economy booms
      *   They pull the money back out 
           to create a recession / depression.
      *   The economy declines or cra
      *   The bankers or their hidden cronies,
         buy up assets at fire-sale prices
     *   Then they start the cycle all over again.

       A stable money supply is the key to
       everybody's economic  stability.

       The Criminals Lie to the people about
       What and Who Humans Really Are
       and the lie  about our ability to create
       vast amounts of abundance using our
      Natural, Inherent, Powers of Creation.

All this is part of a much bigger lie called Secret Slavery
Deception -- The Invisible Prison
Ultimate 3rd D. Weapon of War

<><><><>   <><><><>   <><><><>


The solutions to this entire financial mess
is actually very simple. 
The reasons the solutions offered below
are not  being implemented is because
the Cabal, banking criminals
are sill running almost everything.

Between now and the time of the complete death of money,
an interim system is required.
You can find a previously-written detailed description of
a simple transition process at:

Here is a summary / list of the
Seven-Simple-Solutions           Seven-Simple-Solutions
that will end the Cabal Criminal Banking Frauds

1)  Cancel all fraud-based loans
     made by the Cabal criminal bankers
     aka  Jubilee     aka   Financial Reset
     For example: 
     Cancel   The National Debt.
     Cancel all home loans.
     Cancel all student loans.

2)  Separate domestic currency
      used by We-The-People
     from corporate investment money.

3)   Issue Debt-Free Domestic Money
      directly from the U.S. Treasury
      or from any state treasury
      and use the money ONLY for
       rebuilding the nations infrastructure.
      This will immediately give jobs to those willing to work
       and it will be a powerful economic stimulus
       to the rest of our economy.

      *   Issuing debt-free money
           is  not really lending anybody anything . 
      *   If you want to refer to it as lending,
            It's We-The-People lending money to ourselves
      *   Actually, what that would be is simply
           replacing the vitally and missing piece from
           an otherwise functional economy.

4)   Create  a Multi-Millionaire Financial Power Team

5)   On the National-Level, We-The-People Advisory Council
is creating a  network  of Mutually Support Facilities for
Home and Local-Community owned, Organic, Food  Gardens.

The Gardens are by, of, and for We-The-People 

      This will provide jobs, healthy food,
      and  dramatically stimulate the economy.
      The young and health can work outside win safety in
       spite of the coronavirus.

Here's a multi billion dollar industry
just waiting for the people to make it happen
See:   Hemp, the Hidden Gold Mine.    

*(7)   Excess, Personally-Unusable Wealth:
Hundreds of thousand of very wealthy individuals
need to be informed that
 their excess / unusable, personal, financial assets
will disappear when the existing banking system is removed.
They are still valuable today, but NOT MUCH LONGER  ,

Learn how this otherwise-soon-to-b-wasted money can still be used forth benefit of We-The-People.

Also note that The Ultimate Worth Cause desperately and urgently needs 25 million dollars of that money

If you are first to make a successful awakening of any one of these very wealthy people, you will receive the One Million Dollar Finders Fee.

<><><><>   <><><><>


*1   Money -  The Death of Money
     See    The Living Library of Human & Cosmic Knowledge  

*2   Multi-Millionaires' Team of Financial Power . . .

*3   Money -- The Great God, Money   23

*4   The Great God Money     Let's Talk Money    16
*5   Documentary About the Money Fraud:

The Secret of OZ  Bill Still     :56:24  
The Secret of Oz - Winner, Best Docu of 2010 v.1.09.11 - YouTube

Money  -- Are You Addicted o Making Money?

You can also find the added evidence  about the hidden/ignored/ unspoken  truths about economics  at:


<><><><>   <><><><>
*   Section Title:     Six-Major-Criminal-Banking-Frauds
*   Section Address:    






C S 18-06-22

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List of Major Website Pages   






Updated    june  9  2020



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Adventures In Consciousness


A TLC-Life-Center Website




Six Major Banking Frauds


Your life is about to
dramatically change for the better.



TLC-Life-Center is based on:
*1   The principles  of Universal Spiritually
The Physics of Consciousness
 The Rules of Reality

*1   The principles  of Universal Spiritually
     Universal Spirituality is a way of looking at
     the source of creation
     as an impersonal consciousness
     that transcends human understanding

*2   The Physics of Consciousness
     Here's the bottom line regarding reality:
     Reality has two sides,   One physical       
     and  One non physical.

     The non-physical consciousness is  NOT  Magic.
     There's  NO  Woo-Woo.       It's  NOT  Crazy.
     It's Pure Physics,
     much of which most humans do  not yet understand.

     Non-physical consciousness follows an exacting set of rules.  
     Everything we know,   everything we are
     is based on and is a function of
     non-physical consciousness.

and on

*3   The Rules of Reality  
     Rules of Reality are miscellaneous
     rules, concepts and principles about reality
     that you'd be wise to know.       For example,
     *   The Universal Law of Correspondence and
     *   The Universal Law of Context.

<><><><>   <><><><>   <><><><>

*   We acknowledge everyone's
     right to choose their own connection to
     be that by way of
     *   their own chosen religion,
     *   a direct, personal connection,
     *   or to ignore religion entirely.  

*   TLC-Life-Center is based on
     the three keys of creation:
     Llove,  Freedom,  and  Universal Consciousness .  

*   Our goals include creating
     Personal freedom,
     Financial Freedom, and
     Enlightened Consciousness for all. 

*   The concept that became
     what is now known as TLC-Life-Center
     began in the fall of 1964 and
     was officially recognized as a non-profit organization
     Legally defined for religious  purposes on 11 May 1972.

*   Whatever the question is, 
     Llove is always part of the answer.

Copyright © 2020  --    Robert E. Coté   --   The Life Center
All rights reserved.     See:   Terms of Use      Privacy Statement

Page Title      About---TLC-Life-Center







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All of the lies listed here are discussed in detail
on the web pages included at the end of this list of
the six greatest  Financial Scams

55 Oak grove Ave,   Brattleboro Vermont  05301

Zillow and Trulia

Our family will soon be purchasing
a single family home in southern Vermont.  
From 1951 to 1958, I lived in
a five bedroom, single family home
on a double lot
at 55 Oak Grove Avenue,
Brattleboro Vermont  05301.

Since I am personally familiar with with
the Southern Vermont area.,
I would like to get a general idea of
real estate prices  in this area.

Can you provide a value
for the property described above
or a comparable property in the Brattleboro area.

Thank You

Blessings Be Llove  (love)
Robert Cote

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